1. Water Pollution
The River Boards Act, 1956
The Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 1970
The water (prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974
The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977.,
2. Air Pollution
The Indian Boiler’s Act, 1923
The Factories Act, 1948
The Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951
The Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) Act 1947
The Air (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act, 1981
3. Radiation
The Atomic Energy Act, 1962
Radiation Protection Rules, 1971
4. Pesticides
The Insecticides Act, 1968
The Factories Act, 1948
The Poison Act, 1919
5. Others
The Wild Life (protection) Act, 1972
The Indian Forest Act, 1927
The Indian Fisheries Act, 1897
The Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act, 1976
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
The Ancient Monuments and Archelogical sites and Remains Act, 1958
The Forest Conservation Act, 1980.
1. Water Pollution
Orissa River Pollution prevention Act, 1953
Maharashtra Prevention of Water Pollution Act, 1969
2. Smoke Control
The Bental Smoke Nuisance Act, 1905
The Gujarat Smoke Nuisance Act, 1963
The Bombay Smoke Nuisance Act, 1912.
3. Pest Control
The Andhra Pradesh Agricultural pest and Disease Act,1919
The Assam Agricultural pests and disease Act, 1954
The UP Agricultural Disease and Pests Act, 1954
The Mysore Destructive Insects and Pests Act, 1917
The Kerala Agricultural Pests and Disease Act, 1958
4. Land Utilisation and Land Improvement
The Andhra pradesh Improvement Scheme Act, 1949
The Acquisition of Land for Flood Control and Prevention of erosion Act, 1955
The Bihar Waste Lands (Reclamation, cultivation and Improvement) Act, 1946
The Delhi Restriction of Uses of Land Act, 1964
Source : CSE Citizen’s Report 1984-85p.345.
Industry | Legislation |
protection of worker’s health | Mines Act, 1852 Indian Railway Act 1890 Factories Act, 1948 Dock Labourers Regulation, 1948 |
Usage of restricted chemicals | White Phosphorus Act, 1923 hazardous Occupation (Lead rule) 1937 |
Usage of Explosives | Indian Explosive Act, 1884 |
Usage of other chemicals | Indian Boilers Act, 1923 Petroleum Act, 1934 Organic Solvent (rubber) Rules, 1937 Chromium Rule, 1937 |
Food and Agriculture | Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 Insecticides Act, 1965 |
Environmental Pollution | Bengal Smoke Nuisance Act 1905 Factories Act, 1948 Industries Act, 1951 River Board Act, 1956 Mines and Minerals Act, 1957 Merchant Shipping Act, 1970 water (Prevntion and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 Air Act, 1981 |
Source : SH.aidi and S.J. Arcievala, Chemical Safety situation in five countries of the Southeast Asia region, WHO New Delhi |
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