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:deconstruction Of The Self Via Relationships

19th January 2021

Speaker's Bio

Ms. Dipika Belapurkar

About Dipika Belapurkar to live fully and with mindfulness, Dipika believes that both the mind and the body are intermediaries for our wellbeing and should be engaged with equally.

As an empath, counseling and healing have become for her the natural means of offering understanding and compassion for the suffering of others. Following sustained and continuing training in bodywork, she now adds to her former counseling practice a transformative somatic experience. Her long-standing commitment to meditation has been gainful in bringing much needed stillness to the lives of many beings.

With an unshakeable belief in Embodied Intelligence, she truly believes that every individual is self-recuperative and self-regulatory. A patient in her care is treated as a whole organism attuned to deeper underlying levels of homeostasis, rather than merely as a psychically or physically fragmented person. In her healing work her patients play a pivotal role in recognizing and maintaining their own intrinsic health: by accepting the body’s unfailing guidance and the mind’s collaborative attempts to keep them safe. And as their therapist she supports in every which way their discovery of the complete person that they are meant to be.

Being heart-cantered and intuitive she trusts in life willingly, enough to believe that every moment is perfect and every individual its perfect reflection. We all are meant to be healthy and creative embodiments of the source.

Dipika is a mentor to people from all walks of life. She brings to this mentor role her own varied experience as a writer, counselor, teacher, and practitioner; imparting all that she personally has gathered as wisdom on her own journey towards self-awareness.

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