( By Dr. S. R. Jindal )

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Anything that irritates the stomach may be a cause ; over-eating, eating improper food, spicy food,improper combination, swallowing chemicals of any kind. Symptoms are : vomitting, pain, nausea,bloating of stomach, coated tongue, bad breath, feeling more thirsty and aversion to food. Treatment

Nothing should be consumed until the nausea and vomitting subside totally. Sucking of ice cubes may relieve nausea. The bowels should be washed out by enema as long as necessary and may be up to 3 times on the first day. After a couple of days feeding may begin with one cup of naturally sweet buttermilk or juice once in 3 hours if tolerated. For full treatment, consult chart.

Gas Formation

Our stomach is a host to many complaints.Stomach is a source of energy to our body. It can growl, groan, churn, turn, bloat, burn, ache and even have us double up with a stabbing pain. Some of these are due to formation of gas.

Gastrointestinal gas can be a source of great discomfort to many and may be associated with uneasiness, bloating, nausea, headache, irritability.In extreme cases there may be chest pain ( mimicking a heart attack), disturbed sleep, difficulty in breathing etc.

Belching (burping)is usually due to excess air swallowed during eating or drinking. Passage of gas through the anus is called flatus. It is due to indigestion of carbohydrates and cellulose which are acted upon by bacterial flora and fermented. Constipation is a pre-disposing factor in this. The specific cause of passage of malodorous gases is not known.

Gas formation can be avoided by improving the efficiency of the digestive system by following regulated and appropriate diet, adequate water intake, regular bowel habits and practising Yogic asanas.

Suitability of diet differs from individual to individual depending on various factors, such as Nature of work / duties, heredity, digestive and assimilative capacities, environment, Nature in general. Preventive measures

1. Avoid eating too rapidly and too much or while under emotional strain and drinking large quantities of liquids with meal. Laxatives and purgatives should be avoided.

2. Avoid gas forming food such as :

  1. Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower,cucumber, onion, peas and radish.
  2. Fruits like apple, melon, banana and other fruits which are bitter or sour.
  3. All types of sour juices, sour buttermilk /curds, soft drinks, tea and coffee.
  4. Pulses like chana and rajma, pickles and spices.
  5. Off-seasonal vegetables and fruits which are cold stored.

3. Consume non-gas forming food such as :

  1. All vegetables and fruits having fine fibre. e.g. papaya, sweet mango, mosambi or orange (if not sour) , tender carrot and beetroot.
  2. All vegetables which are tender or well cooked.
  3. Naturally sweet curds /buttermilk.
Treatment for immediate relief

  1. Drink a glass of warm water or cleansing drink (boil 1 cup water, with 1 tsp saunf, 1/2 tsp ajwain, 10 pudina leaves and then add little black salt and juice of 1/2 lemon before drinking) and walk for 5-10 mts.
  2. Lie on abdomen and practice Yogic asanas pertaining to the abdomen like , Pavan Muktasana, Bhujangasana and Vajrasana. Kunjal and Laghu Shank Prakshalana also help.
  3. For other treatments/Yogic asanas, see chart.


Flatulence is a sign of gases stuck in the intestine due to disturbed digestion as a result of habitual eating of unwise food mixtures and combinations, besides sedentary habits and lack of exercises. However, cleansing the gastro-intestinal tract of stagnant putrefactive material through enema and fasting for 2-4 days followed by light diet comprising of fruits and vegetables , one can get rid of the trouble. Besides, regular brisk walk or Yogic exercises as well as treatments like mud pack, abdomen pack, hot and cold hip bath should be practised in order to correct the function of the digestive organs.


This is a condition which arises in the stomach purely as a result of habitual eating of excessive quantities of refined, fried, starchy, sour and sugary food. When excessive quantities of starchy and sugary food are eaten, as they always are in conjunction with protein foods ( meat, fish, eggs,cheese etc.), the proteins are digested first while the starchy food ( grain, chapati, porridges, rice etc.) , is left to ferment and acidify in the stomach before passing on to the intestine for digestion. It is obvious that to try to cure hyper acidity by taking medicines or powders is futile. Such treatment can only aggravate the condition in the long run.


Take very soothing and light diet and avoid sour items like garlic, pepper, lemon, citrus / unripe fruits which irritate. Thorough cleansing of the digestive tract is the first requirement. Besides,consult treatment chart.


Ulcer is a condition born out of wrong diet and indigestion. Besides, stress, worry and emotional problems, jealousy, frustration, guilt or loneliness also contribute to ulcers. Stress gives rise to production of excess acid in the stomach and it is this excess acid that causes ulcer. Symptoms of ulcer are -heart burn, belching, acidity, gnawing, discomfort or pain in the stomach. Diet plays an important role in the treatment of ulcers. Small meal like a cup of chilled milk or naturally sweet juice may be given frequently. No sweet, sour, refined, irritating, bitter, hard and tough food should be given. A soothing diet like tender, soft and well-cooked vegetables including potatoes, cabbages, beans and peas should be given. Among fruits, fully ripe banana, apple, melon, mango, chikku, papaya and pears are permitted ; but sour food and spices are harmful.Papad, chutney, pickles, pan masala, betelnuts, tobacco chewing, zarda, tea, coffee, beverages, alcohol and smoking should be avoided. The stomach must not be kept empty for long.

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