( By Dr. S. R. Jindal )

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Guidelines for Healthy Living

Some guidelines have been provided hereunder,which if followed, can lead to drugless and a disease-free, healthy life. However, mental discipline and reconciliation are necessary to follow the said guidelines / habits. It is an admitted fact that no gain is possible without enduring pain and requisite efforts or sacrifice. Consult Naturopaths and change your life style.

  1. The food that we eat helps build the blood cells,nerves, bones and muscles in our body. It has been proved scientifically that food which is highly processed and high in protein, fat, salty and sugar leads to health problems. Nutritious food ( balanced wholesome diet), moderate exercises, drinking enough - [ 8-10 glasses (3litres) ] of water, enjoying fresh air and sunshine, resting adequately everyday will ensure a healthy body and healthy mind.
  2. Overhaul / detoxify the system completely by fasting 2 to 4 days every three months with liquids, preferably fresh lemon water with honey 4-5 times daily ( no lemon if suffering from ulcer or acidity ) and follow it up with an all-fruit course for 5 to 7 days and then resort to normal diet cautiously and gradually. Take enema on the days of fasting immediately after taking mud pack for 15/20 minutes. Also take abdominal pack at night.
  3. Abdomen must be kept cool and soft always.All liquid intake should be closed to be body temperature as far as possible. Take mud pack,hip bath, enema and oil massage intermittently.
  4. Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water on rising, every morning.
  5. Dental health plays a vital role in causing a troubled abdomen ; an unhealthy abdomen is responsible for most of the diseases.
  6. Use honey and molasses instead of sugar. Use a lot of garlic and some ginger if they suit. Take maximum roughage and fibre.
  7. Avoid non-vegetarian, concentrated, stimulating intoxicating and gas forming food.
  8. Ideal time for lunch is 10.00 a.m. and for dinner 7.00 p.m. May take some fruits ( one variety only ) around 2.00 p.m. Take only two meals a day and satisfy 80% of your hunger or appetite.Do not drink water during meal but take in plenty one hour after the meal. Chew well. Do not eat if not hungry or in bad mood/ anger or at odd hours.
  9. Shun-smoking, tea, coffee, alcohol, zarda, pan masala, soft drinks and drugs.
  10. Going for brisk walk and / or doing Yoga for 30 to 60 minutes daily is a must for sedentary workers.
  11. Wash vegetables and fruits properly under running water, scrubbing with a brush before cutting, as they contain pesticides and contaminants.
  12. Ensure good digestion, sound sleep, good appetite and evacuation of bladder and bowels regularly and naturally.
  13. Tension is very harmful, as it causes flatulence, constipation, irritability, besides liver and heart problems. Hence, change the way of living. Do not work for long hours. Do not become a workaholic. Do Shavasan and enjoy about 7 hours sound sleep daily.
  14. Always use polyunsaturated oil and reduce salt and sugar intake to the minimum possible level.
  15. After lunch, rest a while and after dinner, walk a mile - is a wise old recommendation. Relax in Vajrasan for 10 /15 minutes after the meal.
  16. Take very light but nutritious food which includes fruits, skimmed milk and yoghurt (curds).
  17. For healthy condition, 80 per cent of alkaline foods to 20 per cent of acid foods are needed. For curative treatment, 100 per cent alkaline diet is needed. Alkaline food and drink purify the blood. Refined and processed food tend to acidify and pollute the blood and the cells.

(a) Alkaline forming foods :

Fruits : Apples, apricots, avocadoes, banana (ripe), berries (all), cantaloupe, cherries, currants, dates, figs, grapes, mangoes, melon ( all), olives (fresh), papaya, peaches, pears, raisins, lemons and limes.

Vegetables : Asparagus ripe, beans - green,string beans, beets and tops, broccoli, cabbage (red and white), carrots celery, cauliflower, chicory, cucumber, spinach, squash, turnips and tops and watercress and all gourds.

Dairy Products : Acidophillus, buttermilk, milk (raw), whey, goats milk and yoghurt.

Flesh Foods : None.

Cereals : Millets, corn, green (1st 24 hours).

Miscellaneous : Agar-agar, alfalfa products, coffee substitutes, ginger (dried), honey, kelp, mint, cloves, alfalfa, apple cider vinegar.

Nuts : Almonds, Chestnuts (roasted), coconut -fresh.

(b) Acid Forming Foods :

Fruits : Citric fruits and glazed fruits,bananas (green), cranberries, plums, prunes and juice olives (pickles).

Vegetables : Asparagus tips, beans ( all dried), brussel sprouts, chickpeas, lentils, onions, peanuts, rhubarb and tomatoes. Dandelion greens, green pulse, seaweed , brinjal, endive, garlic, kale, lettuces, mushrooms (most),parsley, parsnips, pepper (green and red), potatoes, all pumpkins, radish and soyabeans.

Dairy Products : Butter, cheese, all cottage cheese, cream, ice cream, custard and milk ( boiled,cooked, dried, pasteurised, canned).

Flesh Foods : All meat, fowl, beef, all fish,shellfish.

Nuts : All nuts ( more so if roasted), coconut (dried), peanuts.

Miscellaneous : Alcohol, candy, cocoa,chocolate, Coca-Cola, coffee, tea, condiments, dressings, sauces, drugs, aspirin, eggs, especially the whites, ginger, preserved jams, jellies, flavourings,marmalades, preservatives, corn starch, soda water,tobacco and vinegar.

Physical and mental activities : lack of sleep,overwork, worry, tension, anger, jealousy, resentment.

(c) Neutral Foods :

Oil : Olive, corn, cotton seed, soya, sesame etc. fat.

Cereals : All flour products, buckwheat, barley, all kinds of cakes, corn and corn products, all biscuits, doughnuts, macaroni, spaghetti, noodles,oatmeal, pies and pastry, rice and rye crisp.

Citrus fruits are acidic, yet because of their high calcium content, they produce an alkaline effect during the digestive process. Some patients experience citrus fruits’ effects as acidic and some others alkaline.

It is suggested that one may keep the following items at home. They are negligible in cost, but helpful in maintaining healthy body ( of course,with the support of exercises and balanced diet - a pre-requisite of Naturopathy) :

  1. Hip bath tub : 1 or 2 Nos.
  2. Fomentation bags : 2 or 3 Nos.
  3. Abdomen /check pack : 1 Set
  4. Mud tray & towel :
  5. Enema kit :
  6. Bucket for hot foot bath : 1 No. each.
  7. Tumbler for Jalneti :
  8. Infra-red lamp :
  9. Facial steam kit. :

Thus we say that our senses and faculties sometimes work at cross-purposes and throw the body out of gear. It could be brought back to normalcy by observing the simple do’s and dont’s enumerated above.

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